Product Details for Material from Stego - 02821.0-06 - Semiconductor heater; CSF 028; 250W; 230VAC; IP20

02821.0-06 Stego Semiconductor heater; CSF 028; 250W; 230VAC; IP20

Part Nnumber
Semiconductor heater; CSF 028; 250W; 230VAC; IP20
Basic price
91,71 EUR

The product with part number 02821.0-06 (Semiconductor heater; CSF 028; 250W; 230VAC; IP20) is from company Stego and distributed with basic unit price 91,71 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc, Weight is 0.64 Kg.

Device type semiconductor heater Series CSF 028 Heating capacity 250 W Supply voltage 230V AC Sealing IP20 Operating temperature -45...70°C Weight 500g Protection class II Inrush current max 9A Protection 10A time-delay

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(keyword 02821.0-06 Stego Semiconductor heater; CSF 028; 250W; 230VAC; IP20)
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